Business Continuity Software
Prepare your business for potential disruptive events by understanding your organisation’s threats
You want to know that your organisation is prepared for disruptive events – from cyber-attacks and power failures to floods and fires. QUOODA® helps you analyse your data and identify risks across your organisation, so you can put in place a strategy for maintaining business continuity.
Lower the cost of business interruptions
Save time and money by being able to access key policy and process information from anywhere, by any device, in the event of any disruption to your business.

Fulfil policy and industry standard requirements
Setting business and industry standards in respect of continuity, even when there is no statutory requirement to do so, provides comfort and reassurance to all stakeholders that you can effectively and efficiently recover from significant business interruptions.

Secure competitive edge
Use business continuity as a differentiator with the ability to recover and resume operations, making your business more attractive to partners and especially customers.

Being able to put the right pieces into the right place at the right time, creating confidence in the business amongst customer and supply chains and employees, preserving brand value and reputation.